Rudraksh Group Mohali – Overseas Immigration Experts


Family Sponsorship Program

Canada Family Sponsorship Program?

If you have family living in Canada, then you are eligible to be sponsored for a Canada PR Visa through Family Sponsorship Program. “Family Reunification” is considered as one of the pillars of Canadian immigration.

What is Family Class Sponsorship?

Your relatives can live, work or study in Canada as permanent residents. You can sponsor them if you are at least 18 years old and:
  • Canadian citizen; OR
  • Permanent resident of Canada; OR
  • A person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
Canada Family Sponsorship Program - Rudraksh Group Mohali

How does family Sponsorship Canada work?

If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, aged 18 or over, you can sponsor certain members of your family to become permanent residents of Canada. If you become a permanent resident, you can live, study and work in Canada. If you are sponsoring a relative to come to Canada as a permanent resident, you are responsible for financially supporting your relative upon arrival.

What are the benefits of family Sponsorship programs?

Following are the benefits of Canada family sponsorship programs:
  • Family members sponsored under this category are not required to clear any points cut-offs to be eligible.
  • Family members who get a PR Visa through a family sponsorship program have the right to live, work or study in Canada.
  • Access to government-funded healthcare, free education till 18 years of age, Canada Pension Plan benefits, Old age security, and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
  • Parents living in Canada on a dependent visa as permanent residents can apply for Canadian citizenship after three years.
Family Sponsorship for Canada Visa - Rudraksh Immigration Mohali
Other than family class immigration, there are other Canada immigration programs like the Express Entry program, Provincial Nominee Program, etc. that provide you with a pathway to Canada PR Visa. IRCC issues ITAs to express entry candidates through frequently held express entry draws.

To be a sponsor, the Canadian citizen or permanent resident must:
  • If you have a lawful offer of a job
  • Language proficiency skills in English and/or French
  • Adaptability - how good you are expected to settle in the country

What are the requirements to become a Sponsor?

  • To be a sponsor, the Canadian citizen or permanent resident must:
  • Sign a sponsorship agreement with the parent to be sponsored that commits the sponsor to provide financial support to the parent, if necessary. This agreement also stipulates that the person who becomes a permanent resident will do everything possible to support himself;
  • Provide financial support to a spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident, and;

Essential Conditions for FSWP applicants

Applicants who wish to enter the Express Entry Pool as Federal Skilled Workers are required to fulfill the following criteria:
  • Have 1 year of paid full-time work experience or part-time equivalent continuous employment in the last 10 years in any of the 347 eligible occupations specified under the system of NOC - National Occupational Classification
  • The work experience must be classified as a Skill Type within the system of NOC as any one of the below categories:
  • Managerial Occupations - 0 Skill Level
  • Professional Occupations - A Skill Level
  • Skilled Trades and Technical Occupations - B Skill Level
  • Secure adequate scores in the points grid for skilled workers that consists of 6 factors for selection and the current passing score is 67 points.
  • Take a language test from an authorized third party and prove language skills at an intermediate level in French or
  • English corresponding to level 7 CLB - Canadian Language Benchmark
  • Have adequate funds for settling in Canada
  • Undergo medical and security background examination successfully
Federal Skilled Workers Program aims to choose the candidates with the maximum potential for successful economic settlement and supporting the economy of the nation. It does have criteria similar to the previous immigration program and modifies the comparative importance and structure of points for each of the factors for selection.

67 points Calculator for FSW

Applicants under the FSWP are required to possess adequate language proficiency and work experience for getting selected. They must also score at least 67 under the point’s grid for FSWP. Points are allocated for language, education, age, employment, adaptability, and a job offer in Canada.

Sponsorship Agreement

The sponsor must agree to financially support the member of his family if the latter cannot meet his own needs. This is to ensure that the new permanent resident will not need government assistance. This agreement is termed a Sponsorship Agreement. The duration of this financial obligation depends on the sponsored person:
  • Spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner: 3 years;
  • Dependent children: 10 years OR when the child reaches the age of 22 years (whichever comes first); 3 years for a dependent child over 22 years of age;
  • Parent or Grandparent: 20 years;

How Rudraksh Group Overseas Solutions Can Help You?

CICC Registered
Hand Holding Support
True & Transparent
Process Time 9-12 Months
We at Rudraksh Group have assisted thousands of individuals to successfully immigrate to Canada with their families through the Federal Express Entry Program. Our qualified and experienced Immigration Experts are equipped with the proficiency to accurately assess your case and advise the most suitable course of action for best serving your needs.

Rudraksh Group has accumulated a treasure of goodwill and exhaustive experience over the last 14 years in this dynamic immigration industry and has constantly facilitated a wide range of aspiring immigrants to achieve their overseas goals.

We are among the top-most brands in the Immigration sector being a highly reliable immigration firm with an outstanding track record of several thousands of triumphant PR Visa applications. The following major factors make us the Best Immigration Consultant for a Canada PR Visa:
Our Consultation is offered by authorized and licensed Immigration Consultants
Step-by-Step guidance through eligibility and process
System of Complaint Redress for any process
Experience of having processed more than 30,000 applications
Every Case is assessed multiple times before submission
Easy evaluation of the qualifications and other skills