Rudraksh Group Mohali – Overseas Immigration Experts


Federal Skilled Worker Prorgams

Canada Federal Skilled Worker Prorgam

FSWP – Federal Skilled Workers Program for Canada immigration is managed by IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) under the Express Entry System. The candidates in the Express Entry pool who secure the highest CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) scores are offered the ITA (Invitations to Apply) for Canada PR Visa through the FSWP. The candidates who receive the ITA must submit the complete application to the IRCC within the specified timeline.

The Federal Skilled Workers Program has its system of points based on diverse factors. It is designed to demonstrate if the applicant can successfully settle in Canada along with dependents if any. Ideally, applicants must have the experience and skills that are well-matched with the in-demand occupations.

The rules for selection favor applicants having job offers approved by the Government of Canada. It implemented the system of Express Entry Immigration from 1st January 2015 under the Economic Class consisting of the FSWP and other programs.

What are the requirements for FSWP?

The minimum requirements for applicants under FSWP are:
  • Skilled work experience
  • Ability in Language
  • Education

What is the eligibility for FSWP?

Once you fulfill all the specified minimum requirements, IRCC will then assess your application based on:
  • Education
  • Age
  • Work experience
  • If you have a lawful offer of a job
  • Language proficiency skills in English and/or French
  • Adaptability - how good you are expected to settle in the country

What are the eligible occupations under Federal Skilled Worker Program?

Federal Skilled Workers are individuals with suitable age, work experience, age, and language proficiency in English or French. They are chosen through the system of Express Entry Immigration to apply for a Canadian Permanent Resident Visa.

Federal Skilled Workers in 347 eligible occupations who fulfill the minimum criteria for entry can submit an Expression of Interest – EOI profile under the Express Entry System. The profiles of candidates are then ranked through a CRS – Comprehensive Ranking System.

The candidates who get the highest rank will be offered an ITA for Canada PR Visa. They must submit the complete application within 3 months.

Essential Conditions for FSWP applicants

Applicants who wish to enter the Express Entry Pool as Federal Skilled Workers are required to fulfill the following criteria:
  • Have 1 year of paid full-time work experience or part-time equivalent continuous employment in the last 10 years in any of the 347 eligible occupations specified under the system of NOC - National Occupational Classification
  • The work experience must be classified as a Skill Type within the system of NOC as any one of the below categories:
  • Managerial Occupations - 0 Skill Level
  • Professional Occupations - A Skill Level
  • Skilled Trades and Technical Occupations - B Skill Level
  • Secure adequate scores in the points grid for skilled workers that consists of 6 factors for selection and the current passing score is 67 points.
  • Take a language test from an authorized third party and prove language skills at an intermediate level in French or
  • English corresponding to level 7 CLB - Canadian Language Benchmark
  • Have adequate funds for settling in Canada
  • Undergo medical and security background examination successfully
Federal Skilled Workers Program aims to choose the candidates with the maximum potential for successful economic settlement and supporting the economy of the nation. It does have criteria similar to the previous immigration program and modifies the comparative importance and structure of points for each of the factors for selection.

67 points Calculator for FSW

Applicants under the FSWP are required to possess adequate language proficiency and work experience for getting selected. They must also score at least 67 under the point’s grid for FSWP. Points are allocated for language, education, age, employment, adaptability, and a job offer in Canada.

Education - Maximum 25 points

You can score a maximum of 25 points for this factor and the maximum score is allocated for a Doctoral Degree. Overseas credentials will be assessed by an authorized third party for determining their Canadian equivalency. Points are allocated based on the equivalence of the credentials. Authorized organizations for assessment are:
  • International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
  • School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto: Comparative Education Service
  • Medical Council of Canada
  • World Education Services

Language - Maximum 28 points

Only those applicants who can demonstrate a high to intermediate level of proficiency in French or English will be considered. Applicants who fulfill the minimum threshold will secure a minimum of 16 points for the language factor. Higher proficiency in language can result in the allocation of a maximum of 24 points :
  • The advantages of bilingualism are offered minimal importance for an individual to successfully settle economically in Canada. The latest points system restricts the score for proficiency in a second official language to a maximum of 4.

Work Experience - Maximum 15 points

A minimum of year experience is required for qualifying and a maximum of 6 years is considered.

Age - Maximum 12 points

A maximum of 12 points will be offered for candidates in the age range of 35 to 18 years. Each increasing year above 35 years will decrease the allocation by 1 point and 0 are allocated from 47 years onwards.

Arranged Employment - Maximum 10 points

Individuals who have a lawful offer of a job in Canada can get points for this factor. The Arranged Employment Opinion process has been replaced with the employment validation process of Labor Market Opinion to streamline processes related to the labor market and reduce processing times for the potential employees and their employers. LMO is usually adopted in processing applications for Canada Work Visa.

The proposed employer of the candidate is required to fulfill certain conditions for validating the job offer and obtaining points under this factor for selection. The employer must prove to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada that the recruitment of overseas workers will have a positive or nil economic impact on the labor market. Candidates with a valid job offer will obtain 10 points through this factor. They also incur extra 5 points under the selection factor of Adaptability taking the total to 15.

Adaptability - Maximum 10 points

Applicants with a minimum of 1 year of full-time work experience in Canada in a Skilled trade, Technical, Professional or Managerial occupation will be offered maximum points. As stated already, a valid job offer will incur extra 5 points under Adaptability.

Other considerations that incur points to applicants under his factor are:
  • A close adult relative residing in the country
  • Spouse or Applicant has Canadian education credentials
  • Spouse has past work experience in Canada
  • Spouse has acquaintance in one of the official languages of the country

How Rudraksh Group Overseas Solutions Can Help You?

CICC Registered
Hand Holding Support
True & Transparent
Process Time 9-12 Months
We at Rudraksh Group have assisted thousands of individuals to successfully immigrate to Canada with their families through the Federal Express Entry Program. Our qualified and experienced Immigration Experts are equipped with the proficiency to accurately assess your case and advise the most suitable course of action for best serving your needs.

Rudraksh Group has accumulated a treasure of goodwill and exhaustive experience over the last 14 years in this dynamic immigration industry and has constantly facilitated a wide range of aspiring immigrants to achieve their overseas goals.

We are among the top-most brands in the Immigration sector being a highly reliable immigration firm with an outstanding track record of several thousands of triumphant PR Visa applications. The following major factors make us the Best Immigration Consultant for a Canada PR Visa:
Our Consultation is offered by authorized and licensed Immigration Consultants
Step-by-Step guidance through eligibility and process
System of Complaint Redress for any process
Experience of having processed more than 30,000 applications
Every Case is assessed multiple times before submission
Easy evaluation of the qualifications and other skills
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