Rudraksh Group Mohali – Overseas Immigration Experts

Rudraksh Immigration Group Shares The Benefits Of Moving To Canada

The Benefits Of Moving To Canada

Benefits of Moving to Canada shares Rudraksh Immigration Mohali

Canada has emerged as a popular destination for Indians to migrate to in the last few years. There are multiple reasons for it including the friendly immigration policies, English as the medium of communication, already existing Indian diaspora, exposure to numerous new cultures, high standards of living, great education and healthcare and more. Rudraksh Group is a pioneer when it comes to the overseas migration process. It has processed thousands of visas for work, tourist as well as study purposes. Going forward, the trend of moving to Canada looks to boom further as the country opens fresh avenues for applicants. The top benefits of moving to Canada and getting a PR include:

Freedom of Movement

Once you get the Canadian PR, you are free to live and work anywhere across the vast nation. This liberty affords significant adaptability in selecting a domicile according to individual inclinations, employment prospects, and familial factors. Permanent residents are not bound to a particular employer or province. Furthermore, Canadian permanent residents possess the privilege to depart from and return to Canada’s borders utilizing their Canadian permanent resident card or Permanent Resident Travel Document (PRTD).

Access to Universal Healthcare

One of the most attractive reasons to move to Canada and settle there is the access to universal healthcare. We know that Canada has some of the best medical institutes in the world. Canada’s renowned healthcare system offers comprehensive coverage for permanent residents, ensuring access to essential medical services with minimal financial burden. Additionally, permanent residents are entitled to various social services and welfare benefits, facilitating their integration into Canadian society. These support mechanisms encompass financial aid, housing assistance, educational support, and employment training programs, empowering individuals and families to thrive in their new homes.

You Can Take Your Family Along

A huge part of why some people don’t move out of India is because they have to leave their families behind. However, with Canadian PR, you can even take your family members along. Obviously, the exact details could vary from program to program. Upon attaining permanent residency status, individuals have the opportunity to initiate sponsorship applications for their spouse, common-law partner, and dependent children, facilitating their relocation to Canada. For those immigrating through the Express Entry program, the option to include family members in the initial application streamlines the process, eliminating the need for subsequent sponsorship endeavours. This practice fosters family unity and cultivates a nurturing environment conducive to the settlement of new immigrants.

Access to World-Class Education for Children

Now, once you move to Canada with your family members, educating your children is the biggest challenge. Recognizing this, the Canadian authorities offer the right to free education in Canada for the children of PR holders in public schools up to the age of 18. Furthermore, permanent residents benefit from substantially reduced tuition fees at colleges and universities in comparison to international students. This difference in tuition costs enhances accessibility and affordability, thereby facilitating greater access to higher education opportunities.

Rudraksh Immigration Group in Mohali can be your partner to ensure that you get the opportunity to move to Canada taking any route which is applicable to your situation and desires. If you wish to discuss your case, visit the office and ask all your doubts. The expert staff will be more than happy to guide you through all the formalities.

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